Saturday, 26 October 2013

I'll take your bad days with your good

Helloooooooooo everyone! TGIS \o/ Haven't been updating this site with pictures or talking about my life.. but I am FINALLY back. If you're following me on twitter, you would have already know by now that the past two weeks were hell. I had assignments after assignments and all of them were group work. Even though group work helps to reduce the work load... but its damn hard to communicate and agree on something la. Being the leader for 2 assignments, I was reallyyyyyyyy stress. I was incharge of setting meetings times, compiling all the data, checking, giving work load to the other members, submitting and blah blah blah. The past two weeks really drained my energy la, really not enough sleep at all... Staying up late, waiting for the other parts form my members and I had to edit them.

 There was this guy in my stats group who got on everyone's nerve especially mine since I was the leader. He keeps saying he will do his part, but we waited for like 5 days and gave up one day before submission. Okay, we did remind him one day before submission to really do his work. We told him at 12noon but guess what? 12am also he never do.... and he could reply "don't worry la, I will send my part and will give you quality work." Guess who sent the file at 3am. Guess who did not do his part? He was suppose to do a 300 word summary but instead he did the description for the graphs. The worst thing is we had 8 questions for the graphs and data. Guess who only did 2? What sort of attitude and quality work was that? When I told him he did the wrong part, he had the cheek to reply me "gosh you see I don't even know what to do." LIKE HELLO????? 5 days before I send everyone the email with data and what were they suppose to do, as well as a reminder on whats app to check their email. EVERYONE INCLUDING HIM SAID OK LEH. Wtf I can't stand him. So anyway, the entire group decided to submit the work WITHOUT his name. Call me mean or bad but he totally deserves it leh. Oh ya, I submitted the work at 1am, thats even before he sent me his sloppy work.... We even informed him that he can just forget about doing. LOL. When I told him we submitted already, he felt all guilty and bad and texted me "gosh I feel so fucked up leh... Thank you but just peer evaluate me la, I don't deserve the marks." OBVIOUSLY??????? We DID a peer evaluation and did NOT include your name in the document so kuakua... Funny how he felt guilty and actually thought we included him hahahahahaha.

Okay, back to my assignments. Earlier in the afternoon, I had my business communication presentation. I am so glad that its over because this also marks the end of assignments this semester. But of course I have to focus on the 20% quizzes and also the final exam which contains 50%. 

My bizcom group mates :)

My only two friends in class. Haha because I am a repeat student (Canny -but I usually call her Claudya is also a repeat student) I don't have many friends... Claudya and I were from the 42nd intake but now we're joining the 43rd intake. I miss my 42nd intake classmates la!!!! Especially Clarice and Crystal!! The batch of 42nd intake is definitely more fun to be with, like they are my-kind-of-people. HAHAH. I still enjoy being with the both of you la ok!!!!! I hope everything will go smoothly for the three of us and we'll graduate together in September 2014 hehe.

And yes!!!!!! Yeo Ahlian is back. Have been wanting to dye my hair again but I couldn't decide on the colour. So just yesterday evening while having our group project meeting, I was thinking about my hair HAHAH. I went to trim my ends and fringe as well as to dye my hair. Decided to make a red comeback again heheheheh because the last December I also dyed red right and I think it really suits me well. Everyone around me also says so hor! Heheh in love with my mermaid hair again ;-)

I guess this is it for this post. Follow @geelayeo on twitter or instagram if you wanna get first hand news about me!!! I may not be updating frequently unless there are important events or just midnight rants (which I think it happens quite often)... so please don't abandon this blog! I got feel to do a vlog or whatever leh but who will watch...... let me know on ok hahah

Really can't wait for my bff to come back. So many things to do with her and food cravings to satisfy. I MISS YOU SO MUCH MAHHHH BESTIE.

Oh oh oh I WANT TO GO ZOUK TONIGHT LEH. I WANT TO GO CLUB CELEBRATE HALLOWEEN. Why is everyone going USS for halloween horror nights 3. Why did I reject my friends, I kinda want to go but I just so scared? Ughhh regrets regrets. And stupid friends who don't want to zouk it up with me after USS. I guess is me and my korean dramas for this weekends. + sleep!!!!!!!!

Hehe ending this post with my peeeeekcha ^^v

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