I have been very frustrated with iBook on my iPhone/iPad….. I was super excited to purchase "The Lover's Dictionary" and "Love and Misadventures" on iBook. Couldn't find it in the Singapore iBook store, but I found them in the US store. But ughhhh, my iTunes account is only meant for the SG's store due to the credit card and address, so this means I couldn't purchase!! VERY ANNOYED because they prompted me to search those books in the SG store but CANNOT find???? Plus, there are NO books that can be purchased there lor. The books that were available were damn boring also? Such as those Jane Austen and what guide for ios7 on iPhone/iTouch/iPad??? Lame leh. Ok, I do like Jane Austen's books but I have read all of them and I have books pysically. I think SG's iBook store should have a wider variety.Hello think about the people who doesn't appreciate those lit-ty books like Jane Austen's. Browsed through the US iBook store and there were sooooo many titles available. Anyone reading this and have any solutions on how I can purchase from the US iTunes store please tell me, either personally or leave a comment here or on my askfm!!!! THANKS IN ADVANCE.
So anyway… I googled about kindle and I think I am gonna get one~ Yay hehe so excited. I have also been google where can I read those two titles I mentioned above. Guess what! I found a site to read "The Lover's Dictionary" and I am loving' it so far. I am not gonna search for "Love and Misadventures" just yet because I will get distracted and I wouldn't know what I wanna read haha. I managed to download the samples for both books and I LAVVVVV IT!!! I know I look like someone who hates reading, but I LOVE reading la. Whenever I have some free time to spare or nothing to do, I will just read. Its sort off counted as a me-time. Sometimes those quotes/phrases leaves me thinking.
I thought i'd share some of my favourite "short stories" from "The Lover's Dictionary". Or should I say stories/phrases/quotes that describes this particular couple. This book doesn't have a chronic story but for since it is a dictionary, there's a story for every word. Basically, the story of their relationship in relation to that particular word.
Another reason why I am posting it here because I want to be able to read them again. This site is like a "storage". Plus I don't have a written diary. Some scenarios are also so relatable. So here goes:
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