Sunday, 16 February 2014

#100HAPPYDAYS: Day 3

Its day three today and there are two things that made my day.

#1 I had a total of 15 hours of undisturbed sleep and I feel so damn good. I really look forward to Sundays because it is the only day where I can sleep in and wake up naturally without any alarms. The only bad thing is that I feel so lazy and I didn't do anything productive today.. and this is bad because my exam is in 10 days or so. Looking forward to my one month break though!! I can sleep for all I want, watch my korean dramas and cry my eyes out. I am also going for a mini getaway to Montigo Resort with my kuzzins.

#2 Dinner with my family and I only have home cooked meals whenever my brother is back from his hall. On the menu today was my mom's bak kut teh heheheheh

Feeling the Monday blues already but this week is a vital week because its revision week… and also the last week before the study break and exams. I CAN DO THIS!! Focus focus focus since its just a 5 day week. Saturday will act as a motivation/reward. Can't wait to spend my Saturday at Dunman for Care & Share Day with my secondary school mates especially PurplePaus!! Wait for me Dunman family, 我要回家了!!

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