Monday, 14 October 2013

Girls generation make you feel the heat

ANNYEONG!!!!!!!!!!! From the title above, I think you can guess this post will be all about right. Hehe I attended "Girls Generation Girls & Peace World Tour 2013 (Singapore)" yesterday along with my brother and his girlfriend, Claudia. Initially I didn't get the tickets and thought I should just give it a miss. My bro also couldn't get the tickets during the actual ticket sales. But when the restricted view seats were on sale, I went to try my luck to help my bro and clauds get.... I managed to get for both of them and my bro offered to pay for me too! Heheh thank you korkor! Lady luck was shining on me and I managed to get the front row tickets heeeeheeee~

Initially thought the seats would be quite shitty since there was a better category (partially restricted view) and we got the restricted view ones... you know what I mean! BUT LOOK. We were so near the stage? Despite that board like thing on the main stage, we could still all the performance (except 1 or 2 songs) because the girls stood at the front of the main stage to perform. Lucky lucky us! SNSD also came super near us. Look at the stage in front of the black board! They walked there and dance like so mad ladies. For one song, Taeyeon even pointed at my bro and waved to him? I think the reason why she waved was because my bro was the only one wearing the devil-like hairband with lights. Hahah guess Taeyeon felt it was special. Another time, Sunny waved to Clauds and I. Both of us did the heart shape and we were sure that Sunny was waving to us cos she bent down and wave through that hole in front of us.

There were more pictures but I am SO lazy to watermark each and everyone of them, hence I filtered out the best ones.

Tell me your wish

Gee gee gee gee baby baby

Way to go

Oh! Tell me boy boy love it it it it it it it it OH OH OH OH 

Oh twinkle twinkle~ ohhhh yeahhhhh

Can't take my eyes off you! One of the highest part of the concert!!! Especially when some of the girls came up close to us. Really got clubbing feel leh. From my view, I observed the moshpit (which consists of mostly males), they were all jumping and putting their hands up in the air. As though SNSD was the dj/ dancers dancing on the podium hahaha.

Into the new world! WOAH so happy because it was their debut song. The moment they appeared for encore and sang the starting into the acapella version, I had chills man.

Forever. I LOVE THIS SONG SO SO SO MUCH. Before the concert, I checked out the song list and I was super excited? I swear I teared a lil when they performed this song. The fan project made it even betterrrr. The fan chants also omg :')

THIS IS MY FAV FAV FAV FAV PART!!!!!! I died a little inside when Sunny danced in front of me??? Sunny is my #1 bias in SNSD la I have to admit. OH MY GOD MAN. Really fan girl moment. Plus, the time when she came was kissing you. Another one of my fav song from the girls. HEEEHEEE. Until today I can't stop replaying the video. DAMN QT LA LOOK AT HER ACTIONS!!

Alright, after reading this post, or even looking at the title, you're all probably judging me but I don't really care. The concert was so so so daebak!!!!! The concerts I attended this year is ridiculous but all of them were worth it because I had such a wonderful time heeehee!

Tomorrow marks the 3rd week of school... I can't wait for the holidays already. I really just want to nua on my bed and watch my dramas. I need to start on Sniper Standoff (HK). I am following The Heirs and Medical Top Team which airs every Thursdays and Fridays. I am also watching Good Doctor which has ended on 9th October. So frustrating because I can't have a marathon despite the fact that all episodes are out already. ARGH. I can't do it because CA1 assignments are out and I am soooo stressed. Foreseeing a busy and hectic 2 weeks ahead. 

Hope all of you have enjoyed the pictures and videos!

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